
To support collaborative research by UF faculty, UFIT Research Computing has a number of partnerships with other organizations.

  • NVIDIA has provided the hardware and technical support for UF’s AI Cluster which will advance and apply Artificial Intelligence across the enterprise as a fundamental pillar of our academic pursuits.
  • The Open Scalable File System Consortium (OpenSFS) was created to maintain the Lustre parallel file system as an open source project.
  • The Florida Lambda Rail (FLR) provides the high-speed network infrastructure in the State of Florida.
  • Internet2 operates the high-speed backbone between research universities and institutions in North America.
  • The Southern Universities Research Association (SURA) works to foster excellence in scientific research, to strengthen the scientific and technical capabilities of the nation and of the Southeast, and to provide outstanding training opportunities for the next generation of scientists and engineers.
  • Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation (CASC) is dedicated to advocating the use of the most advanced computing technology to accelerate scientific discovery for national competitiveness, global security, and economic success.
  • The Advanced CyberInfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) is the NSF-Funded organization that scientists can use to do complex computations and workflows for research computing resources. ACCESS is the NSF funded follow-on to the XSEDE and the TeraGrid.