Request HiPerGator-RV Account


If you are a non-UF research collaborator and need a GatorLink accountsubmit a support request naming your faculty sponsor and research group. UFIT Research Computing staff will contact you and guide you through the process of obtaining an account.

If you are trying to request a HiPerGator account on our regular cluster, and do not intend to be using the Restricted Computing system, please request an account on our HiPerGator Account Request page instead

ResVault is a secure data management and analysis environment. Use of the system is limited both by policy and by the need for investments to establish access.

Faculty wishing to use ResVault for research should:

  • Contact to begin the process. In addition, please provide the following:
    • Information about the type of data being analyzed and compliance measures required (please provide IRB, Risk Assessment, or TCP numbers as appropriate).
    • What software will be needed to analyze the data.
    • If available, a list of users who will need training and access.
  • UFIT Research Computing will establish one or more teams to analyze the needs of the user and provide a plan as needed.
    • See the price sheets for Hardware (5 years) and Service (variable duration) investments (be sure to look at the ResVault tabs).
    • Use the purchase request forms to make an investment.
  • Once a team has been established, all users should:
  • Contact to set up a live (in-person or online) training session for your team. Accounts will be activated at the training. You will not be able to login until the account is activated.