Data Removal

  • Pending resource expiration:
    • Notice is sent one month before expiration. Results/options:
      • The sponsor buys a new allocation large enough to contain the data
      • The sponsor removes some data or buys enough to cover the gap
      • The sponsor can ask for a temporary extension to overcome budget issues of 3 or 6 months with review after that
      • If resolved no more notices are sent
      • If no response is received more notices are sent:
        • 2 weeks before expiration
        • 1 week before expiration
        • 1 day before expiration
  • Expired resources:
    • Immediate UFIT Research Computing action: quota is set to block writes
    • Immediate automatic notification/portal alert: Notification sent to sponsor and co-sponsors/admins that data cannot be written and will become inaccessible but recoverable in 28 days
    • Additional notices are sent to all members of the group after:
      • 2 weeks
      • 3 weeks
      • 27 days
      • 28 days
    • At 28 days data is hidden from the users and retained for 5 months. If only a part of the investment expired to take the group under quota the data cannot be hidden, and the state quota persists until the sponsor takes action
    • A notification is sent to all group members that data is inaccessible but still recoverable
    • Notifications are sent out weekly for the duration of data retention
    • At six months after expiration: UFIT Research Computing staff requests written approval from the director to remove the data. If approved, data is removed